Broadcast BNR Nieuwsradio on Wednesday 21 November 2018

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Broadcast BNR Nieuwsradio on Wednesday 21 November 2018

“Veldhoven-based Byldis” was cited on BNR Nieuwsradio this morning as an example in the market of the new precast building method! Market research agency USP Marketing Consultancy concluded from the Architectural Barometer research (Arch-Vision); “There is an increasing demand for smarter construction, following a faster, more efficient, less expensive and safer construction process. A trend that will continue.”

As such, precast elements are being used more often but architects are not yet seeing a strong demand for precast elements from clients within their projects. This morning, BNR Nieuwsradio asked market research agency USP Marketing Consultancy why this is.

Listen here in Dutch (BNR archive of 21-11-2018 from 06:38 minutes)