
Byldis partner of entrepreneur platform "24 uur in bedrijf"

We are excited to join as a powerhouse partner of the entrepreneur platform "24 uur in bedrijf . We look forward to collaborating, being connected with this inspiring platform, and increasing our visibility in the region. Thank you for the trust; we are eager for a successful partnership ahead!

"24 uur in bedrijf" on Byldis:

"We are proud to announce that Byldis has joined as a powerhouse partner in our network. Through our partnership, we aim to enhance their visibility, engage in leadership initiatives, and foster strong connections. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration and extend our gratitude to Bram van der Steen and Mark van der Vennen for their trust. In September, they will be featured extensively in our podcast series 'WATT MAAKT KENNIS' on Spotify, where all our partners contribute.

Over 24 uur

24 uur in bedrijf: "For, by, and with entrepreneurs. 24 uur in bedrijf is an entrepreneurial platform that fosters personal growth and business success. We do this for, by, and with approximately 350 members in the Brainport region. From startups to established names, and from commercial to social enterprises, this diversity strengthens our network. Because we believe that each unique entrepreneurial story inspires and enriches others.

Every day, we dedicate ourselves to empowering our members as entrepreneurs. We enhance your visibility, foster connections, organize meetings, and facilitate dialogue. We build an active community, host networking events, share entrepreneurial stories through our impactful media, and push your boundaries during our travels. Our approach is personal, genuine, pioneering, a bit bold, and always substantive. And always with a membership structure that suits the scale and ambitions of your business."

Op foto links: Bram van der Steen, Hoofd Engineering Byldis.  Rechts: Mark van der Vennen, Sr. Finance Manager Byldis.