Poort van Dendermonde Dendermonde, Belgium
Innovative prison concept
The prison is sustainable and energy efficient. The complex will accommodate 444 male inmates and provides sustainable, modern and humane detention.
Completion: Mid 2021 Client: Bam interbuild
Poort van Dendermonde Dendermonde, Belgium
Innovative prison concept
The prison is sustainable and energy efficient. The complex will accommodate 444 male inmates and provides sustainable, modern and humane detention.
Mid 2021
Bam interbuild

1. The project: Poort van Dendermonde

In mid-2021, we completed our work on the new prison in Dendermonde, near Antwerp. The complex will accommodate 444 male detainees and provides for sustainable, modern and humane detention. The concept of the prison is innovative and in line with an evolving vision of detention. That vision focuses on preparing detainees for reintegration into society. 

The prison is sustainable and energy-efficient. Regie der Gebouwen (building management): "The supporting structure of the buildings consists mainly of elements in prefabricated (precast) concrete. This is economical, sustainable, high quality and allowed the prison to be built in a short period of time. Materials that are durable and low-maintenance were chosen." (December 5, 2022).

2. Byldis' contribution

Production, supply and assembly of the complete shell and around 500 sandwich façade elements of the cellular building (C). Also producing the floors, walls and columns. In total, we made around 3,500 elements for this project.

3. Why was Byldis chosen?

The reason why a precast solution using the Byldis system was chosen is because precast concrete has good quality and is durable. Also, because of the prefabricated elements, the cellular building can be built in a short period of time, about one year from production to completion. This significantly reduces the construction time compared to traditional construction.

4. Challenges & solutions

Due to the short construction time, the assembly of the cellular building must be well coordinated with the construction phasing of the other buildings. This is because the construction flows of the other buildings affect the construction planning of the cellular building. We can solve this challenge by working closely with the other contractors and coordinating well during the construction process.

5. Facts & figures

 The project  Prison
 Location  Dendermonde, Belgium
 Scope of project 

 31.500 m2

 Byldis contribution

 500 sandwich facade elements
 About 3,500 elements in total

 Byldis expertise involved

 Engineering, precast concrete

 Start production Byldis  June 2020
 Start assembly Byldis  November 2020
 Expected completion Byldis  July 2021
 Client  Bam interbuild

 Jasper-Eyers Architects
 Stéphane Beel Architects

6. Footage

Source: Regie der Gebouwen
Photos final result: Koen Mutton Photography   

7. More information

We are Byldis